Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Best Films of 2014

Now that you saw what my best PC games of 2014 are here is my opinion on the best films of 2014. Instead of going by top 5 I'm going to show the best films in their genre. There will be best action, drama, comedy, animation, and best overall. Note that I don't watch horror films as I think that most of it today really suck. So here are the best films of 2014.

Best Action: John Wick
I'm not a big fan of Keanu Reeves, but after seeing this film consider myself one now. John Wick is one badass mother fucker who kills assholes who take his car and kills his dog. Probably one of the best action films I've seen in a long time. This film doesn't focus too much on the story, but does focus a lot of the most corny yet badass action scenes in the movie. The entire movie is just Keanu going full hitman on every person who fucks with him. I would like to thank Overkill Software for promoting this film and adding a John Wick character in Payday 2. Sadly not voiced by Keanu himself, but it's still awesome to kill cops as the badass himself. Also his favorite number is one.

Best Animated: The Lego Movie
I loved legos as a kid and I still love them today as a 22 year old. Back in the old YouTube days I remember seeing people make stop motion lego videos and most of them were pretty creative though I can understand how much of a pain in the ass it is to make the stop motion as smooth as possible w/o taking apart anything. The Lego Movie is a very very creative and hilarious film about legos. I love how there is a story in the lego universe and I really really really love how animated it is. It's not just CGI it also has stop motion as well. Sometimes when I see this movie I think to myself since they made a Lego Movie I wonder if they would make a Garry's Mod Movie. That would be interesting and I know it'll never happen.

Best Comedy: The Fluffy Movie

Gabriel Iglesias is the funniest comedian in stand up. I thought it was a bit weird to show his stand up in a movie theater when it could have been shown on Comedy Central or something, but I really didn't give a fuck. His stand up film really made me crack up so hard I damn neared pissed myself in the movie theater. It kind of did feel I was in the theater watching Gabriel's stand up live. If Gabriel does stand up in San Jose I'm going to see it. Gabriel is my 2nd favorite comedian while Robin Williams will always be my number one favorite comedian.

Best Drama: The Monuments Men
I don't understand why people hated this film. Was it because it was boring? I thought it was great to be honest with you guys. This film is based on the true events in World War II and for me being totally into World War history I really enjoyed the film. The Nazis were murderers and thieves so they stole all monuments. They either keep for themselves or destroy them. Art is history and the monuments men didn't want history to be destroyed so they go out to find them and get out with the monuments in safe hands of the Allies. I would suggest you should read the novel if you have the time and maybe learn a little bit more history on these guys. World War isn't just about the action. It's about a war that has changed people and the world.

Best Overall: Fury
Speaking of WWII, Fury is another good example of what World War II really was. It's not just about the tanks and killing nazis. It was about how bloody and deadly WWII was. This film really felt that you were in that war and it is a scary thing. These men in this fictional film were real soldiers fighting and dying for their country. When I saw this film I was blown away of how intense it was. Brad Pitt and others did a fantastic job with this film. I also loved the quote that Brad Pitt says in the piano scene where he mentioned Norman and Emma saying, "they're young and they're alive." To me when he says that it means no matter how much hell there is in this world just remember that you are young and alive and you can still do things to make your life as best as you can make it. So even when Norman is scared and doesn't like killing he was young and alive to make his dreams happen like being with Emma during the war. I would go on about this, but I want to make this short and say that Fury is by far one of the best films of 2014. I would highly recommend seeing this so you can understand how WWII has changed everything and everyone. I'm going to end it here by adding this catchphrase from the film, "Best job I ever had."

That has been my best films of 2014 and since this is my final post of 2014 I'll go ahead and end this by saying Happy New Year and see you in 2015. :)

Monday, December 29, 2014

My Top 5 PC Games of 2014

Man 2014 went by fucking fast. I guess since the year is close to being over it's time once again to share you my top 5 games of 2014. Just remember these are PC games only. I'll probably add some honorable mentions after my top 5. The honorable mentions won't be just for PC. So here is my top 5 games of 2014.

5. Sniper Elite 3
I enjoyed Sniper Elite V2 and disliked the Nazi Zombie Army, but Sniper Elite 3 is a whole lot better than all the rest. In Sniper Elite 3 the game takes place in Africa and all you do in the game is...well...shooting nazis. What's different about this game is that the maps are more open so you can find a good place to snipe instead of in V2 where it was all linear. The x-ray gore scenes are far much better and cringier than ever before. And yes, there is another Hitler DLC where you can sniper him in the ball(s), but the thing about it is that it is too easy to kill him. In V2 is was pretty much a challenge to get him in the ball(s). Other than that, Sniper Elite 3 is the best sniping game of 2014. I highly recommend getting it if you love sniping.

4. Insurgency (Insurgency 2)
I remember playing Insurgency when it was a source mod back in 08 or 09. It was really fun. Insurgency 2 was released as an early access in 2013 and I was part of the early access and I enjoyed it even more. Played the game from it's alpha stage to beta and all the way to it's full release in 2014. Insurgency 2 is an improvement over the mod and it features a tactical PvP. The best feature in the game is coop mode. I played a lot of the coop mode with a few players and they are challenging as hell, but really fun. If there is one thing I hate about the game it would be the AI. The AI in training are yogurt for brains and the AI in coop are cheap as hell. I guess making the AI cheap in coop mode does make it more fun and nerve racking. The coop mode does feel like you are really in the battlefield in Iran. Insurgency 2 is by far the best tactical FPS we had in a long time. I got to play more it though.

3. Wolfenstein: The New Order
Ever since we had the piece of shit Wolfenstein game in 2009, I was hoping that TNO would be a lot better. It turns out that it really did turn out better, Wolfenstein The New Order is an action FPS that takes place in an alternate 1960 where the Nazis had won the 2nd World War and rule the entire world. You play as the action FPS grandfather himself, BJ Blazkowicz, to kill all nazis who have taken over in an old school silly like FPS shooter. The concept of the game is really good and the gameplay is really really really fun. I enjoyed every minute of this game and I would play it again if the PC version was optimized enough. Still, this game does kick a lot of ass and I highly recommend it over Wolfenstein 09. I still think that Return to Castle Wolfenstein is still the best in the series, but this game is 2nd best to me. Great work MachineGames.

2. Far Cry 4
In my Top 5 games of 2012 I put Far Cry 3 as my number 2 game of 2012. Far Cry 4 has tied up with Far Cry 3 in the top 5 and that is a bit surprising. Far Cry 4 is a sequel to FC3 and though the game may look the same as FC3 there are many new things added like more wild life, much more open world in Kyrat, more activities, and yes even a real fucking coop mode. You can finally explore Kyrat in a 2 player coop mode and liberate outposts and shit like that. The coop mode is probably the best mode in the game and the most fun I've ever had. I had so much fun I made a video of it. If you haven't seen my FC4 video I posted like almost a month ago you can watch it here. Ubisoft, you may have been fucking up hard this year like you did with Watch_Dogs and AC:Unity and I'm glad you didn't fuck up Far Cry 4. I will say this Ubisoft if you do fuck up Rainbow Six: Siege and The Division there will be blood. I hope you guys get your shit together for next year. You still have my support. Other than that. FC4 is another game I highly recommend. For you AMD users out there I'm hearing the game is not AMD friendly even if you have a R9 290 or w/e. I moved to a Nvidia GTX 970 and the game runs great.

 1. The Wolf Among Us & The Walking Dead Season 2
Okay I cheated, but it's my blog and my rules so stfu. To be honest though, this one was a real tough one. I played both of these games and they are both outstanding, but deciding which of them should take the gold was a real hard decision. Took me months and months to figure out which game should be number 1 on my top 5. I said to myself, "fuck it!" I made them both take the gold because of how well written both games were. Both released in 2013 and all ended in 2014 they both do an amazing job on the characters and story. TWD:S2 was more emotional while TWAU was more intense on a murder case. I say they both deserve GOTY 2014 and that is a double win for Telltale Games. Telltales earns #1 on the list yet again in my top 5. I hope they make a Breaking Bad game.

That was my top 5 games of 2014. I know last year's top 5 was lame and half-assed, but this year has been a good year for me to actually make a top 5. With the top 5 out of the way I would like to mention some other games that I enjoyed this year in the honorable section. Here are the honorable mentioned games of 2014.

Honorable Games of 2014

Super Smash Bros (3DS & Wii U)

Mario Kart 8 (Wii U)

Shovel Knight (PC)

Sunset Overdrive (XBONE)
PC plox? :3

The Talos Principle (PC)

That seems about it for this post. Stay tuned for the best films of 2014. 2015 is gonna be a big year for games and hopefully for me. I know there will be videos of games that I'll be playing on the PC and of course there will be one game that will end up on PC that I'll play the shit out of and will make videos of. That time is very close...very...very...close.

Monday, August 25, 2014

Robin Williams & Depression

I know it's been about 2 weeks since the passing of Robin Williams and I want to apologize for not writing about this on time, but it's not too late to share my thoughts and feelings about Robin and how depression is a terrible disease. I don't really like to write anything emotional, but I'm going to do my best to share out my words about how he inspired me to become a comedic machinima creator and how he's brighten up our world. If there is any errors I make you can let me know as I am trying to keep myself together typing this out.

I grew up in the 90s to the early 2000s watching lots of Robin Williams' films. The first film I saw he was in was the Disney animated film "Aladdin." Him being a comedic genie was a perfect match for him and he has cracked me up with all his acts in the film. I've also seen films like "Good Morning Vietnam", "Dead Poets Society", "Popeye", and other films that had him in it. The best film he ever did in my own opinion would have to be "Mrs. Doubtfire" and it's not just because it was funny as hell, but it also shows his character how much of a loving and caring father he is just like himself. When you see him in films you also see him doing stand up and watching Robin perform stand up is damn hilarious. His stand up comedy inspired me to become who I am now as a comedic machinima creator and just a funny person in general. I know all the time when I'm at school and it is a shit day at school the only thing that can brighten up my day is to entertain other students and teachers in class. His humor gives me great ideas for silly video content and has made me more confident in myself.

The day I heard his passing really shocked the living hell outta me and I was in pain. I was in pain for the past 2 weeks, though, I held in the sadness and kept myself going. It wasn't easy holding in the pain and tears as I keep thinking of his unexpected passing. It was just out of nowhere and too soon. I realized that the depression he's been through has spread around others including myself, however, I don't get depressed that easy. Sure I have some minor depressions that come out of nowhere, but little bit of music helps me out a lot. A man who has made our world brighter had depression that made our world darker now. Depression just doesn't give a fuck about who you are and what you do. I know some friends who've been through depression a lot and I was lucky enough to be there for them and help them out. If we all knew Robin was suffering severe depression I'm sure his close friends and family would have been there for him. As he entertain his fans I'm sure his fans as well would give him lots and lots of support if anything was wrong. I just wish we'd knew before he took his own life.

Depression is just a terrible disease to have and to anyone who has been through depression don't give up. There is still hope for you. If you or a friend is going through depression, please get help. Suicide is not the answer and will never be a solution to escape depression. The world will never be the same without Robin, but that doesn't mean we should all grieve to him all the time. We should remember him for what he has done for us and what he loves to do most and that was making us laugh. In honor of him, this upcoming machinima that me and Dr. Face are currently working on will be dedicated to him. I wish I can do more for the Williams family, but my heart and wishes go out to his family.

O Captain! My Captain! You shall be missed.

Sunday, July 6, 2014

Blog Update and Changes

As you can tell once again I've been rarely using my blog site and now that I'm back on I've notice that the site has become terribly optimized. Everything loads really really really REALLY slowly. Isn't Blogger owned by Google? If that's the case, you know who to blame. Anyways, There has been some shit happening on my end for months and so far I might be getting a real outside job soon. I've also had some great ideas for YouTube content that are currently in the works right now and I may have something big planned once all the other projects are finished. While I was on here I decided to make a few changes in my blog page to make my blog more in it's current state rather than being completely outdated since 2012. Here's what I've changed;
  • Changed Livestream page to replace Livestream player with Twitch player and renamed it Twitch page.
  • Removed Facebook Page link in the other links page as I rarely use FB anymore and has become a cluster fuck.
  • Replace Livestream link with Twitch link to my Twitch page.
  • Removed a few pictures in the screenshots page.
These are just very small changes I'm sure there is a reason that this was pointless to do because I rarely use this page. Anyways just an update good day.

Tuesday, December 31, 2013

My Top 5 Best Games & Disappointing Game of 2013

Sorry this one was a bit late, but better late than never. This one was a bit tough for me to decide on because I haven't played much games this entire year. I was gonna make 1 for best and the other for disappoint 1 day at a time, but since it's New Years Eve that's gonna change. I'm gonna do this in 1 post. So here is my top 5 best games of 2013!


This one I had to debate on because of the DLC fuck ups Overkill has made. The Armored Transport DLC was a complete disappointment and the Gage's Weapons DLC is a bit over priced. I then realized all the fun I had playing this game when released and decided to put this as #5 on my list. I fucking love PAYDAY and PAYDAY 2 does have lots of improvements over the first game and has some fun jobs to do. More weapons, more heists, more masks, weapon parts, mask customization, and LODS OF EMONE! A friend of mine did a 24 hour charity stream of PAYDAY 2 on release day and I spent a few good hours playing some PAYDAY 2 with him to support the stream. We've made about $200 or more and though it wasn't much, but it's better than no donations and most importantly it was fun to do. If you haven't played PAYDAY 2 yet then buy it on Steam (avoid the Armored Transport and Gage's Weapons DLC) and start heisting.

4. Surgeon Simulator 2013

I've played a lot of simulation games for a few years, but this one was so special that when I played it I couldn't stop laughing my ass off. Surgeon Simulator is one of those simulation games where it can be pretty damn goofy and have weird ass logic. I remember playing this game for the first time when it was a unity browser game and I was like "wtf is this why is this funny why am I having fun I CAN'T STOP LAUGHING!" Then the game got greenlit and was released on Steam and the Steam version provides more operation jobs with the same patient named Bob. I've stream this game 3 times this past year. I streamed the web browser version, the Steam version, and the Meet the Medic TF2 DLC. I have not played the space alien one because I haven't the game in awhile. It's a weird simulation game, but it's fun and laughable to play and you will always quote this every time you perform surgery the wrong way, "Thanks Obama!"

3. Pinball Arcade

I fucking love pinball! I remember playing a lot of pinball when I was a kid and I sure miss those days. Now I can play them again at home and on my PC. Pinball Arcade is another simulation game where all you do is play pinball. It comes with season packs with a few irl tables from like the 50s - late 90s. They also have their own history and have posters of them too. Does the game have proper pinball physics? Yes it fucking does! The only downside is for a F2P game you have to pay to get full access to tables. You can still play these tables, but only on a score limit and it will pretty much say, "Okay your score is 5,000 points you passed your score now get the fuck out," However, if you download the game now you get 1 free table to play on. I purchased some pinball tables that I remember playing in my childhood like the Monster Bash table and Harley Davidson table. You can download the game on Steam and check it out.

The verdict for this game: It's 50x better than Duke Nukem Forever's Pinball game.

2. The Stanley Parable

A very famous HL2 Source mod to become a standalone Source game and what it has to offer is amazingly well done. A game that offers many choices within the story that you can make. You can either follow the story or completely do w/e to change the story in a very hilarious way. The game's actual story is small, but great. The endings in the game are pretty funny and enjoyable. There are many ways you can get the game to end and I enjoy every one of them. Even though I do love the story, endings, and great narration acting I do love the mapping the most. Whoever did all the mapping in the game is fucking amazing and I wish to pay him to make me maps for my future videos. I kind of feel bad for my friend Dr. Face when he first saw the mapping and he's done some good mapping, but kind of made him feel bad because the maps are well made than his. Dr. Face is a great mapper too, but he is god amazing at Gmod animation. Anyways, if you haven't played the Stanley Parable before I would suggest you download the HL2 mod of it first for the experience. If you enjoy the mod then you will really like the standalone version.

Now before I get to my #1 best game of 2013 I just want to let you all know that these games I played aren't the best in the world, but I enjoy them. These are "my" games of 2013. These are my opinions on certain games I like so if your game is not on here that is because I've never played it or I have played it, but didn't enjoy it as much. Another thing is that The Wolf Among Us, The Walking Dead Season 2, and Grand Theft Auto V are not going to be on my number 1 part because GTA V is NOT on PC yet (I have played a little bit of it on the 360. Performance is wonky) and Wolf Among Us and Walking Dead Season 2 are not yet completed. Those 2 will be on my top list of 2014 games, but I will decide which one will be number 1.

For #1 best game of 2013 I just want you to hold your nasty comments about this game because there are some people who love and hate this game that I'm about to show you. And now for my #1 best game of 2013.

1. BioShock Infinite

I don't fucking care if people don't like it and think it's too casual, but I fucking love this game and deserves to be #1 on my top 5. Everything about it is so adventurous and beautiful. I love everything about the game; the story, the characters, the beautiful flying city of Columbia, the graphics (not as great as Far Cry 3), and the idea of it. Even though the game is amazingly awesome there are some major downsides; one is where you can only hold 2 weapons so you're going to have to decide what weapon you are good with most and upgrade it and two is the shield ruins the challenge. I played this game again in 1999 mode and the fucking shield makes the mode look like normal mode. Though I have died many many times, but it was still easy to beat in 1999 mode. They should have removed the shield in that mode. Many people hate the game because of it and I understand. I would agree with people that these downsides are kind of a game ruiner, but I still enjoy the game and Burial at Sea is pretty damn good. You can carry 4 weapons instead of 2 so that's a plus. The game can be a bit challenging so that's another plus. If you want to try this game out you can, but get Burial at Sea if you do. Amazing work Irrational Games.

Be thankful Ghosts isn't on my list...because its the worst CoD I've seen so far. Now that I got my top 5 best out of the way I want to share my most disappointing game of 2013. I was waiting for this game for a while and after playing and streaming it I was not happy the way in turned out. Here is my most disappointing game of 2013.

Amnesia: A Machine For Pigs

Amnesia: The Dark Descent was my favorite survival horror game of all time. When I first played the game I was freaking scared as shit and streaming the custom stories were fun as hell. I wanted to see what they got cooked up next. This game releases, I streamed it, played it, and did I enjoy The sequel to Amnesia has lacked A LOT of key things of a survival horror. They have eliminated the inventory system, they made your lamp infinite, the pig monsters weren't scary, too many puzzles, too much walking, and was not that scary. This game was a collaboration and developed by the Chineseroom (Dear Esther) and they made the game look exactly like Dear Esther. It was just boring and no special scares or anything. 2 years of the wait was completely wasted. I was really looking forward for this and it failed to be what it should have been. The only thing I do like about the game is the mapping. The Chineseroom did a fantastic job mapping in the game and most of the environment looks well done. Dear Esther had some great mapping even on the Source Engine it looks nice, but they are both the same and boring. They should have just named it A Machine For Pigs because the Amnesia name shouldn't have been slapped into the game. Outlast has accomplished what this game failed to be. This game is not worth it, but I'm sure modders can port the AMFP content into TDD for custom stories sometime. It was possible with Penumbra so I'm sure it's possible for this one too. Frictional Games did mention they are working on another survival horror title that isn't Amnesia, but I sure hope their new title becomes as good as the Dark Descent was.

That's my top 5 best and 1 most disappointing game of 2013. I will not be making worst games or top 5 best movies so this is all you get. Also, I want to really apologize for not posting any content this whole year. 2013 was not my year and I blame myself for not making anything. 2014 will be my year for sure. I'm going to stop fucking around and get something out there and I got something planned first for you guys. ;)

Anyways, Happy New Year! Don't get a DUI or else you'll get a 6 year suspension (at least that's what I heard on the radio) and see you guys in 2014! :D

Thursday, December 12, 2013

YouTube's Copyright Disaster

I knew this was coming...we all KNEW this was coming. I wished that it would never happen and wish for me not thinking it would happen, but it has begun. I'm going to try to be serious with this topic as I can and even though this post might sound weird, but that's because I'm in fear right now with this new change. So for those of you that don't know what the fuck is going on with YouTube let me explain. I believe it was somewhere on Monday or Tuesday that the flagging has begun. They added a new Content ID system that detects MOSTLY gameplay and game footage. What's wrong with this system? I'm not gonna be accurate on this one, but EVERYTHING is broken. Let's players, game reviewers, even machinima creators have been getting half of their videos claimed by the content ID system. People make revenue off their videos and YT pretty much tells them "FUCK YOU BITCH!" and flags their videos. Some may be flagged for a reason, but mostly these claims are bull shit. It's so flawed that even the Publishers such as Ubisoft, Capcom, Deep Silver, and a few others saying that they did NOT confirm the claims. Bunch of hungry ass publishers such as EA, Microsoft, Nintendo, and even the fucking movie and music industry is taking our fucking money and so is Google/YouTube.

They are doing this to prevent pirates and some how they think we are the pirates. We worked on our shit so hard to make money and make YouTube huge and they turn around and fuck us in the asses. So far I've only gotten 2 flagged videos for copyright. Did they get taken down? Of course not. I just wont earn revenue on them and these 2 videos are pretty old and I can care less. As long as they don't go after my most viewed videos then I'm in the safe zone...for now. This whole Content ID thing is like a minefield. there are some mines on the ground that will give you a claim or one that gives you the strike. We've all been on the copyright minefield before and it was tricky, but possible to get through. Now YouTube decided to just throw a bunch of more mines to fill in the field making it nearly impossible to bypass. They did that just to be assholes. You step on the claim mine, you lose your monetization for that specific video. Step on the strike mine, you get one strike and that video gets taken down. There are more claim mines that strike mines and many YouTubers have stepped on claim mines, but they didn't do it on accident or on purpose. It was YouTube who threw the claim mine in their fucking faces. It's wrong! YouTube has made some stupid decisions in the past few years and of course we all thought the Google+ forcing thing was the ain't. This one takes the cake as one of the worst and dangerous changes in YouTube history. Just fucking punish us by taking our fucking money falsely.

Bigger YouTubers are stressing out right now because of this and I'm talking about people like Boogie2988, Angry Joe, and a bunch of other YouTubers who are suffering this situation right now. They have uploaded a rant about this change and how much it will affect their lives. It is really depressing to make, watch, and hear.

Angry Joe's Copyright Rant:

Boogie2988's Rant and "GET A JOB" video:

AlphaOmegaSin's Rant:

It really is painful to watch and I feel depressed when they talk about this and how YouTube is fucking us over HARD. These people have words about this change and it is hurting them. Even for channels who have joined the partnership from, Makers/Polaris, Curse, Fullscreen are going to be hurt too.

I've been with Makers/Polaris for about a year and these people are gonna do their best to help me and all channels who joined them fix this situation as much as they can. We are all in deep shit right now and it's really scaring us. YouTube is ruining our lives with this new system. People have made a living off YouTube and made lots of money from YouTube to improve their content. We made YouTube big and YouTube got so big they want to kill us off so they can take our money from all the work we put into. We all don't deserve this. Let me tell you all that I may not be that famous on YouTube even when getting very close to 30,000 subscribers and I may not be making as much as these guys above this, but YouTube right now is the only job I have right now. It's not easy to find a real job here in San Jose Cali and I was working until I got laid off 2 months after being hired. I've been busting my ass off trying to find a job to make more money than my YouTube money and so far I haven't found anything since then. I've been getting depressed about this shit and its mainly the reason why I haven't posted anything in like a year. So far YouTube is the only job that can cover my phone bill and insurance. I'm paying $130 a month and right now my bank account is getting very low. I won't have enough to pay for my phone, my insurance, gas, and a whole lot of things if YouTube is going to cut my ass off like that. I make about between $150 - $200 a month from YouTube now and it's enough to cover my payments. I'm in deep shit right now...we all are in deep shit.

YouTube/Google, I've been on your site for 7 fucking years and I've seen some stupid shit you've been doing over the past few years, but this is just absolutely incredible. We make your site popular, you earn money from all of us, we created a great community from your site, and this is how you treat us now? You think that we are all criminals? THE FUCKING MPAA AND RIAA ARE THE REAL FUCKING CRIMINALS! THEY ARE THE ONES WHO ARE MAKING OUR LIVES MISERABLE! Pirates are criminals too you know. You should be going after them, don't just come to us and punch us in the face thinking that we are the criminals here. We worked our asses off so hard to make great content and earn money off of our effort and you just take our money from us. Shame on you YouTube/Google...shame on you. You guys are terrible people! Your copyright system is unstable as fuck. You break something and you break it some more and completely take our fucking money for it. You forced Google+ in our faces when we didn't want it in the first place. You've ignored our concerns and our suggestions and just say "FUCK YOU GUYS WE AIN'T CARING WHAT YOU THINK WE ARE GONNA ADD IT IN ANYWAYS DEAL WITH IT BITCHES! I swear to god YouTube I swear to FUCKING god if you claim any of my videos again even when I recently post a video there will be a fucking problem...there will be fucking blood. You think I'm just joking well GUESS WHAT I AIN'T BITCH! This community will fix your fucking bull shit and if you don't like it too fucking bad. We've had enough of your assholery YouTube it's time to stop. If this shit doesn't get fixed I will take my shit else where. Hell, if I had the money to make a new website where content creators can post their videos without any flawed copyright bull shit it would make things a lot better. I know our copyright system would be a lot more fucking stable than your piece of shit content ID machine. The person who is running the company is a heartless, money hungry, greedy asshole and that person needs to be fired. You don't fix this bull shit people will leave the site and your site will rot.

I apologize for my shit writing right now I'm just really fucking pissed off this is all happening to us YouTubers. If you are one of the people who have suffered these copyright claims on your videos I am very sorry. I truly am sorry. I would suggest you get some help to get your videos unclaimed and I wish you guys the best of luck. I really do hope our multi-channel networks and the community will fix this once and for all.

Monday, November 18, 2013

Breaking Badlands: New Gmod Short Series

First off, I want to apologize for not being very active on YouTube. Right now I'm going through some outside stuff and I've been very very busy and not being able to make YT video posts in like a year. Also I know I haven't used my blog in awhile so I think I might make a new thing for that so I can be active on my Blog more. Might do some changes here and there. Anyways, on to the topic.

I'm proud to announce my next Gmod project called "Breaking Badlands." After watching the entire Breaking Bad TV show on AMC I was amazed how well written the story was and I absolutely think that Breaking Bad could be my favorite TV series of all time. Breaking Badlands is a TF2 parody of Breaking Bad which takes place in the TF2 world. The idea of this project is to reenact the Breaking Bad sequences with some humor in the series. This is going to be a 5 part series and some parts might be longer than 10 mins of footage.


The plot to this series is that Spysenberg (The Spy) has lung cancer and in order to make money for his love (Scout's Mom) he has to work with his young partner Jesse Scoutmann (The Scout.) They have to make meth and try to sell it as much as possible to make lots of money. However, they tend to blame each other for their stupid mistakes and have to do whatever they can to get themselves out of the situation. In the 5 part series you will see their story on how they became huge drug dealers in the badlands. They might even be richer than Mann Co.

I still got to plan out the story of them and how to make it funny for you guys so stay tuned for more updates on this project. I'll do my best to keep updating you guys on this blog. If you have any questions about the series or w/e feel free to comment or PM me on my YT channel.

I'm so excited to work on this project and I want to do my best work on it. I know I haven't posted a gmod video since "The Last Wave" in 2012, but I'm sure this will be better than ever. Expect the first part to be ready in early 2014. :D